Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Five Most Important Steps After Installing Ubuntu...

Hey guys, with the number of linux users increasing day by day and seeing the exponential growth of linux in the desktop sector, the number of people experiencing problems getting used to the new O.S. has also increased.
As a user who has been through such problems, i felt the need to present a small how-to for how to get your Ubuntu working smoothly without glitches and how to solve all the basic problems which ward off the so called "n00bs" from adopting this revolution.

This how to contains the first 5 steps that need to be done by any ubuntu user, starting with the most important one...

1)Setting up Repositories and CD packages in Ubuntu

2)Geting And Installing the drivers for your Graphics Card

3)Pump up the Glam Quotient (install Compiz Configuration Tool And Emerald Window Decorator)

4)Get the Music and Video Codecs right

5)Geting Great Wallpapers and Themes and Much More.....

If you have successfully followed all the above steps, give yourself a pat on the back!!!!

You have done something thought very-very difficult by others!!!

Easy Eh...!!!!

I hope it was useful...

For queries, mail me at

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